What Type Of Work Is Elegible To Get Protected Under Copyright?
-Literary work
-Dramatic work, including original sound score and music
-Musical work, including lyrics and accompanying sounds
-Cinematographic, motion pictures, and other forms of audio-visual films
-Theatrical and choreographic work, including pantomimes
-Architectural work
-Sound recording
-Picture, photographs, paintings, artistic representations, graphics, and sculptures
Can I Register Multiple Works In Single Registration?
Yes , in some cases it is absolutely possible to submit a single applicaiton for collection of works . You can contact BIATConsultant legal experts to know more.
Can Copyright Also Protect Company Name Or Slogan?
No for that you can get a
trademark registration . Copyright does not protech the same .
Can Joint Applicant Can Hold Single Copyright ?
Yes sometimes joint applicant can also hold a single copyright when work is inseperable and both the works are interdependent , and it should be filed on both the owner name .
What If Someone Uses My Creation In Case Of Copyright Applicaiton Under Process Or After Registration ?
You receive a copyright protection even if your application is under process . Also after registration in case you find someone breaching the same , you can send notice for the same and after than can sue the party for the same by hiring legal consultant from BIATConsultant