What Is DOT OSP Registration ?
Other important factor being only a Private Limited Company will be able to obtain OSP registration license from DOT .
Registration Process
Comprensive Guide To Start A BPO In India
When it comes to Indian Stereotypes, talk about the call centres come at the top of it. But, regardless of how it might look like, there is a certain amount of untapped potential of profit in this industry. This fact is pretty evident by the fact that several start-ups are actually moving forward with their dreams of having their own Business Processing Outsource (BPO). However, this entire prospect of BPO centre is not quite easy. It requires patience, lots of legal hurdles, and lots of documents that can make the entire process quite daunting. However, with this blog, we aspire to ease your pain on how to start a BPO in India. Once you are done with this blog, you will have a more intimate understanding of the documents you require and the acts which you need to perform.
Step 1- setting up your BPO institution as a legal entity
Before you move on to setting up your Business Processing, you need to make sure that it stands as a proper legal entity. When it comes to India, you should sick with the most popular and the most feasible legal entity. Private Limited Company is the most relevant one. You can read about that how to give your business this legal identity in one of our other blogs.
Step 2- adhere to the purpose of BPO
A BPO is meant to provide services, these services come under other service providers (OSP). Therefore you will need to provide an OSP registration to your legal entity.
Step 3- Adhere to the following guidelines
Here is a succinct outlook on the guidelines that you need to follow while setting up a BPO:
1. There are exclusivity for call centres in India.
2. They are registered under OSP category defined in section NTS 99.
3. The validity period is 20 year.
4. 100% FDI is permissible in all of the call centres in India
5. There should be no change in foreign or Indian promoters to the call center until approved by the competent authority
6. The resources that the call centre use should have legal standing
7. The telecom services provided to the BPOs will be based on their approved network diagrams.
8. There should be no interconnecticity of the international call centre to the domestic one.
9. The Department of Telecommunication is responsible for providing the adequate approval for interconnecting two domestic centers.
There are several other guidelines which you need to adhere in a letter head that you need to provide along with the following documents:
1. A DD of 1000 Rupees in the name of “pay and accounts officer (HQ), DOT”
2. Location of the termination sites of IPLC
3. Bandwidth of that IPLC
4. Number of seats in the centre
5. Schematic diagram of the call centre
6. Name of the foreign/domestic clients associated with the BPO
-Certification of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies
-Memorandum and Articles of Association (MOA/AOA)
-Board Resolution or Power of Attorney authorizing the authorized signatory with attested signatures
-Nature of business or activities of the proposed OSP
-List of Directors of the company
-Present shareholding pattern of the company indicating equity detail