What Is Trademark Rectification ?

What Is Trademark Rectification ?

What is Trademark Rectification?

Trademark rectification is needed when there is a need for any kind of alteration, change, modification or rectification in the registered mark or in the register of trademarks, or rectification of the trademark register by such aggrieved party.

Trademark rectification rights in India is governed by chapter VII of the trademark Act, 1999. Under section 57 of the Trademarks Act, any person who is aggrieved by the entry in the trademark register can file for trademark rectification before the registrar of trademarks. However, in certain cases consequences can be cancellation of trademark registration.

Who can file Trademark Rectification?

  1. It can be filed by the owner of the trademark itself, or
  2. It may also be filed by the party or entity being aggrieved by such entry.

Common grounds for filing Trademark rectification in India

  1. Due to latest knowledge or advancement
  2. Due to non-use of registered trademark for over 5 years by the registered owner.
  3. Due to non-renewal of the original or previous registration of the trademark.
  4. In cases where inclusion of addition of certain more classes of goods or services to the business gamut of the registered trademark.
  5. Conditions which are beyond any more grounds stipulated in section 9 and 11 of the Indian Trademark Act, 1999.
  6. The certain omission of any entry eg, a disclaimer, condition or limitation.
  7. Where the registration is obtained by misrepresentation of facts, similar to an earlier mark registered and lacks sufficient cause for registration.
  8. Cases where mark was wrongly remaining on the register and causing or likely to cause confusion.
  9. When the renewal fee has not been paid.

Procedure for Trademark Rectification In India

Procedure for Trademark rectification in India includes following hings-

In cases where trademark registry has marked the trademark application as Formality check or send back to EDP, therefore in this case option of rectification and of being is being given and it requires to be resubmitted. In such cases, rectification deed is required to be prepared to address all the concerns of the trademark examiner-

  • TM-O form is required to be filled in order to file trademark rectification.
  • Make sure that your trademark rectification application is a clear and crisp statement of grounds related to the application.
  • You must support your arguments with strong evidence to support rectification of the specified trademark.

We have immense and diversified experience in handling Trademark rectification cases and shall suggest more professional ways to avoid trademark rectification. 

Vinubhai Haribhai Malaviya and Ors. vs State of Gujarat

Vinubhai Haribhai Malaviya and Ors. vs State of Gujarat

A recent judgement of the Supreme Court of India on criminal law passed by the quorum of justices Rohinton F nariman, Surya Kant and Ramasubramanium. The judgement holds that a power exercised by the magistrate under section 156(3) of the Cr.Pc. is post cognizance. 

The question arises by the Supreme court that once Chargesheet is filed by the police after doing proper investigation, then whether Magistrate has the power to pass an order to the police officials for further investigation under section 173(8)  and if so then upto what stage of criminal proceedings? 

Different views were given by different judges which also creates doubt in the judicial minds. Then after a near exhaustive survey of the conflicting decisions, the Bench in malviya held in favour of the view that a magistrate has power to direct further investigation by an investigating agency post cognizance on a police report right up to the stage of framing of charge that interpreted section 173(8) crpc restrictively. This view was acceptable as it was undoubtedly redounds in the interest of justice. 

It is pertinent to note that the Bench in malviya was concerned only with the question whether post cognizance a Magistrate could direct further investigation under section 173(8). Whether a magistrate exercising power unders section 156(3) was acting pre cognizance or post cognizance was not at all the issue in this case.

Thus it is undoubtedly correct that section 156(3)  and 173(8) operate at a different stages of investigation like section 156(3) operates at pre cognizance stage whereas 173(8) operates at the post cognizance stage as it is intended to supplement a completed investigation.

It is pertinent to note here that the power of magistrate under section 173(8) is not derived from his power unders section 156(3) but is a distinct and independent power. 

This proposition regarding the meaning of “taking cognizance” has been often repeated in many apex court judgment. Had the bench of Malviya been cognizant of this well established proposition of law, it is doubtful if it would have arrived at the unfortunate finding in paragraph 26 of the judgement.

The power unders section 156(3) can only be exercised at pre cognizance stage was an erroneous finding in law”.


Therefore it was held in the case that a three judge bench of the Supreme Court Of India virtually overruled a 43 year old precedent and held that magistrate can invoke power under section 156(3) of the code of criminal procedure even at the post cognizance stage. The Bench headed by Justice RF nariman held that this judgement was rendered without advertising to the definition of “Investigation” in section 2(h) of the crpc. It was observed that the finding in the law in the said judgement that the power under section 156(3) crpc can only be exercised at the pre cognizance stage is erroneous.



When any organization, an individual firm is planning to start its business operations at small or large scale it needs a license to carry on the business activities and that license is termed as Trade License.

It is mandatory for the organization , firm or business entities to have a license for commencement of any type of business .A company or business enterprise should obtain the license within 15 days from the commencement of the business or 03 months prior starting the business.

The state government together with the municipal corporation of the area regulates the licensing process. There are different mechanisms of charging the application fees and some pay annually while others make it as per the annual turnover.

Therefore an applicant shall be at least 18 years of age , should have a clean and right image in the society and free from any type of criminal activities or no case of criminal activities under his name.



This category includes mostly business of consumable items and eating places


These categories include licenses to those businesses which are mainly engaged in industries , workshops , flour mills etc.


For business related to firewood , charcoal etc. the above category is being provided


There  are various documentation being required in order to get the license of the trade license which are being highlighted below –

1] The bills of the place where business or operation will be carried

2] Agreement of the rent or lease 

3] Receipt of municipal taxes 

4] Certificate of the registration of shop as per the act 

5] Applicant Id proofs

6] Copy of blueprint of the premises or workplace

7] Pan card details of the applicant 

8] If the business is managed by some other person irrespective of the owner therefore provide ID proof , photo , Address detail of the manager 

9] Non objection certificate from the fire department 



It is mandatory for an individual or applicant applying for the license to be 18 years of age.


The company or applicant applying for the license should have business activities legal and valid in the eyes of law.


The applicant should have no criminal background and carry on a clean image in society.


A trade license is not a one time license only and shall be renewed on time to time basis.

In some states and cities , it is compulsory to pay a certain amount of annual fees in order to renew the trade license.

The renewal is done between 1st January to 31st march of every year.The renewal application should be made at least 30 days before from the expiry time so that it shall be done in time.

In case of delay , there is a late fees fine of 50 % of the total trade license fees incurred.There are certain documents to be submitted with the application for trade license renewal :

1] Copy of the original license 

2] Tax payment receipt 

3] previous year challans of fees being paid


Sometimes the application applied by the applicant for trade license purpose gets rejected , under such circumstances one can make appeal in the to the standard committee or file a petition to them with the relevant documents together with the copy of letter of denial so that the matter can again be considered for approval of trade license

How to use Copyrighted Content?

How to use Copyrighted Content?

Copyrighted content is a content on which owner has the exclusive right over the work. To need this protection, one has to undergo with the copyright registration Process. It is regulated by the Copyright Act, 1957. Copyright Registration grants the right to the creators of Literary, Artistic, Dramatic and Musical and the producers of cinematographic films and sound recording. 

How to identify the owner of the copyrighted Product?

As we all know that copyright protection is only given to those people who have made or created original work of their own. It is therefore always advisable for every person who is willing to copyright their product is to always take expert advice regarding their product who can help them in a better way.

How to use Copyrighted Content?

Now you must be thinking that whether you require the permission to use Copyrighted content or not. Then let us inform you that you may come across either of the cases-

  • There are basically two instances of using a copyrighted content- when prior permission is required to use a copyrighted content.
  • When no permission is required.
  1. Cases where no Permission is required-
  • If the copyrighted content is already in the public domain, then anyone can use it without any prior permission. Public domain means that the owner has not taken copyright protection from the Registry, therefore it is open for everyone to use the Copyrighted content.
  • Whenever work is released under open License, For example, creative commons, then that work can be used by anyone, as long as you comply with the terms of their copyright License.
  • There is no need to get permission from the owner of the work if that work falls under the category of fair use. It may be a tricky business, therefore it is always advisable to take some expert advice on these issues. 

     2. Cases when permission is required-

  •   We all are creating copyrightable  content knowingly or unknowingly. For eg. by writing an email, blogs, clicking a selfie etc. finding a copyright owner may become a tricky business. Now let’s take a look, what needs to be at the time of finding the copyright owner.
  1. Whether the creator of the work is alive or not, to use their product it is mandatory to take their permission before using the copyrighted content.
  2. If the creator of the copyright has already assigned or transfer the wok to someone else like a record label, publisher or created work as a part of their job, then you need to contact the entity. You could always contact the licensing department to seek permission.
  3. There are certain organizations, to which the creator of the work can subscribe to get royalties on their work. These organizations are known as Performing Rights Organization (PRO) and Reproduction Rights Organizations (RRO). PROs deal with the publicly related work on the national level, such s music. RROs deal with the work such as technical, medical and cultural work on the national and international level.
  4. If the author of the work dies then it is automatically transferred to the legal heir of the creator. But it is not easy to track down the family members of the author.
  5. Here are orphan works are also available in the market, whose rights holder cant be determined and it seems impractical to establish the inheritance rights in these cases. Or the rightful owner was never aware of the rights of the copyrighted work. 


So for the next time, if you intent to use copyrighted work, then you must go through the guidelines which are provided above to reach the copyright owner. For any assistance regarding copyright work. Kindly contact BIAT Legal.

What is loan against Bonds?

What is loan against Bonds

A Bond is a fixed income instrument that is given to a borrower by an investor. 

Bond is like a loan which you take from an investor. For eg. if you buy a Bond from a company, then you have that amount to the company, and like any other loans you earn an interest on your investment.

What are the documents required for loan against shares?

For an Individual borrower

  • PAN Card
  • Aadhar card
  • One Cancelled cheque/ Bank Statement

For a Company Borrower

  • List of Directors
  • Shareholding pattern
  • Board Resolution
  • PAN Card and address proof of the company & Director
  • Cancelled Cheque/ Bank statement


  • What is loan against securities?

Loan against securities is available in the form of an overdraft facility which is pledged against securities like shares, units and bonds. Loan against shares/bonds/Mutual Funds 8is basically a loan where you pledge the securities you have invested in as collateral against the loan amount. A loan against securities is the best way to make your investment work harder and smarter than you.

Loan against securities have following features and benefits-

  1. It has High Loan Value as it is up to 10 crores.
  2. Dedicated relationship manager is available 24/7 to assist you with all your request.
  3. Nil part payment and foreclosure allows you to repay the loan at your convenience, as and when it’s feasible for you.
  4. Online account management is there, as you can manage your account from anywhere. Easy documentation is there as it does not require any financial document to avail ona against securities.
  • What is loan against Shares?

Loan against shares enables you to borrow funds against listed securities such as shares, Mutual funds, insurance and bonds to meet your current financial needs. 

Its Features and Benefits

  1. It has High Loan Value as it is up to 10 crores.
    1. Dedicated relationship manager is available 24/7 to assist you with all your      request.
    2. Nil part payment and foreclosure allows you to repay the loan at your convenience, as and when it’s feasible for you.
  • What is the interest rate for loan against asset?

Where a borrower pledges an asset as a collateral. With this type of loan, the borrower gts access to a high loan amount at affordable interest rates. A borrower can avail upto 80% of the asset value. Some of the common type of loan against asset includes-

  1. Loan against commercial and residential property.
  2. Loan against cars
  3. Loan against investments such as fixed deposits.
  4. Loan against securities like mutual funds, shares, bonds, insurance policies.
  5. Loan against valuables such as gold.
  6. Loan against investment such as Fixed deposits.
  7. Loan against valuables such as gold.
  8. Loan against Land.
  9. Loan against future payments such as the rent of commercial properties.
  • What is a secured Loan?

A secured loan is a type of loan in which a borrower pledges an asset such as car, property, equity, etc against that loan. The loan amount made available to the borrower is usually based on the value of the collateral.

Types of secured Loan

  1. Real estate, including any financial equity earned since purchasing the residence.
  2. Bank account such as savings accounts and fixed deposits.
  3. Commercial and residential property
  4. Private vehicles.
  5. Stocks, mutual funds, or bond investments.
  6. Insurance policies, including the insurance
  7. Precious metals, high end collectibles, and other valuables.


peer to peer lending license

The Peer to Peer lending can be defined as a mode of business where a platform in digital form is provided to an individual or an entity for raising loans or fund at certain interest rates and is needed to be paid back as per the specified terms and conditions.The interest rates are either set by the lending organization or after mutual discussion between the borrower and lender etc.

In India ,the Peer to Peer[P2P] lending business has been extended to 5 billion dollar as per the reports being concerned.Therefore the entrepreneurs and startups business can easily avail loans from this platform without much documentation.

In such  lending there is no involvement of any financial institutions and banks and the lenders are free to choose the borrowers whichever they want to give loans. This form of lending money is getting very famous among investors as they get a higher rate of return through the Peer to Peer[ P2P] lending business.

The Peer to peer lending companies are being regulated through Reserve Bank of India [RBI]and therefore reserve bank of India reserves  power for providing lending license to the applicant.


There are namely 03 types of model being defined below ;


The consumer loans involve small personal loans taken by the individual for purchase of car , bike , marriage expenses , home repairs , Repayment of credit card etc.


The loans provided to small businesses for various purposes such as asset finance , working capital , business to be extended etc .


Under this lending ,the applicant borrows loan for purchase of property ,commercial ,refurbishing of house etc .

In india one needs to fulfil certain conditions in order apply for the peer to peer lending license-

1] A company should be registered 

2]The applicant shall have adequate amount of capital structure 

3] The applicant company shall have technological , managerial , 

4] A pure motive to serve the public and its interest 

5] a proper business layout and plan 

6] The board of directors shall fulfill all terms and conditions of RBI


Any company being registered as private or public limited company can apply for the license with the reserve bank of India.They need to fulfill the conditions below –

1] The applicant company must be registered as a private or public company under the eyes of law and have an objective of doing financial financing of money.

2] The Minimum net owned fund should be Rs.2 crore .

3] There should be efficient information technology system i.e mobile application for the workflow 

4] The online application form is available at the RBI website. 

5] The hard copy of the application together with required documents to be submitted to the office of the reserve bank of india.

6] After doing detailed and vigilant verification of the application and documents attached with it , the RBI provides the license certificate to the applicant company .


There are various merits and demerits of peer lending platform for both borrowers and lenders and these are highlighted below –



1]  The first and foremost benefit is the amount of loan received is either at fixed rate of interest or low interest rate as compared to other financial institutions .

2] The documentation is very simple and easy as compared to documents required while taking loan from financial institutions 

3] The fees and other charges required are low as compared to banking institutions


1] There is high use of information technology and there is a lack of security as documents can be leaked or information can be wrongly utilized.

2] The amount of loan provided is less as compared to the financial institutions.



1]  The return of the investor is higher as compared to the risk taken 

2] The investor is happier as he has diversification and more places available to invest his capital and earn more.

3] In peer to peer lending ,the lenders communicates with the borrower directly to finalize the deal


1]The risk factors involved here are higher and uncertain as compared to the banking financial institutions

2] The returns are lower in comparison to public traded index fund

3] The future possibilities are uncertain and unrealistic and it’s too early to make future opinions of this type of industry

What is a Business Loan?

Business Loan For Business In India

Business Loan is a kind of financing you can avail to meet the business needs of your growing business. 

In short if you need funds to expand your business, or you need to buy machinery or boost production then you can opt for business loan.

Different types of Business Loan

Following are the types of business loan and they are as follows-

  • Working Capital Loans-  When there is a need of Short term business liquidity, they need to have an adequate and constant cash flow. Then working capital loans comes in the picture.
  • Machinery Loans- When there is a need to purchase a machinery or are planning to upgrade their plants and machinery, so it requires a funds in both the situations. Machinery loans are one of the types of business finance that provides capital for your fixed asset needs.
  • SME and MSME Loans- Loans are provided to small businesses owners who are looking to expand their business operations and market each. 

Things your Business Loan Application must include-

Whoever needs a bUsiness Loan is required to give an application with their Business Plan. By submitting a business plan to any Bank authority it is easier for them to evaluate whether that business is economically viable business or not and that decides the repayment capacity loan of yours to the Bank. it is obvious to translate your ideas on paper and the bank can see your vision. Here are some of the principal sections to include-

  1. Executive Summary- an Executive summary gives a short summary of your entire plan. This allows banks and other lenders to evaluate the economic viability of your business.
  1. Business Description- After Executive Summary, them comes Business description. Make sure that it includes all the main aspects of your business. 
  1. Human Resources- It is important for a business before seeking for business loan that they have a strong team behind the business. Principle this should include the profiles of the executive team which includes, CEO and CFO and anyone else involved in the higher level. Make sure to add their previous achievements to demonstrate their ability to run their business.
  1. Budget and Finance- this is one section that bank will scrutinize in every possible detail. While the idea is important to them they really want to see that how much you want to invest, what your regularly expenses would be and how will you be making revenue.
  1. Promotional Plan- lastly, it should include the Business or Promotional Plan. how will you get you services or product out there.

Supporting Documents requirements-

Following are the supporting Documents that are needed-

  1. Identification
  2. Bank Statements
  3. Proof of address
  4. Business Registration Documents


  • What are the things which you need to know before applying for a business Loan?

Prior to starting you application with Bank, it is always advisable to be well prepared. Here are the following things which you should consider before submitting an application

  1. Check your credit rating- A large portion of investors decides to give loan to you by checking your CIBIL score. So before applying for the loan it is a good idea to check your credit score. 
  2. Every time you apply for a  loan, your credit report registers this. If you have too many applications then your credit score could go down. So the best option is to shop around first before submitting an application.
  3. Lastly, you should consider hiring someone to help you with the application process. Often times business owners are really good at their side of the business or are not the best at Finance and writing. The business plan is an essential section in your application, so it might be a good idea to have someone help you out in writing of the business plan. It may also be helpful to hire a finance analyst to aid with the budget section of your Business plan.



ISI refers to Indian Standard Institute and can be defined as a stamp that provides assurance regarding quality of product and in built trust and safety among customers for the Product.

In India , consumers mostly preferred ISI marked products.Therefore , there are certain products in India to have ISI certification mandatory before being sold in the market.


There are certain products in India that fall under the category of mandatory ISI certification before being sold in the market. 

The categories are as follows –

A] Household Electrical Products 

B] Cement 

C] Automobiles Industry 

D]Steel Product 

E] Medical Equipment 

F] Electrical Transformers 

G] Cylinders

H] Food related Products 

  •  Foreign Manufacturers – 

 The foreign companies need Product certification which is provided through the ‘’ Bureau of Indian Standard’’ scheme .Therefore a foreign manufacturer  needs a BIS mark certificate to carry on the sale of products in the market. 

Documents Required for ISI Marked Certification License

There are certain documents required for the ISI Certification License . It begins with filling of application forms and all products have separate application forms to be filled. There are certain documents required to be attached with the prescribed application form –

1] Copy of Test report done in Laboratory 

2] Trademark Registration copy 

3] Manufacturing unit address 

4]Machine details including quantity , capacity 

5] Drawing of product 

6] Raw materials details such as component name , suppliers name etc.

6] installation capacity 

7] Factory layout Plan 

8] Manufacturing process Flow chart 

9] Test equipments detail 

10] Packaging details 

11] Organization staff details such as management and designation 

12] factory details of employee 

13] Location detail and distance detail of factory from airport and city center etc. 

14] Detail of indian representative 


After submitting the application , verification will be done by BIS and inspection will be done at the manufacturing unit of the applicant and therefore when all parameters are being satisfied , the BIS License is granted .


The BIS License is valid for a period of 1year and can be renewed thereafter by filling the prescribed application form.


The applicant shall enter into an agreement with BIS as per BIS certification  Regulation,1988. 

It covers various provisions highlighted below – 

1] Fees 

1] Termination 

3] Responsibility of License 

4] Nomination 

5] License Cancellation 

6] Bank Guarantee 

6] Non Renewal 

7] Indemnity 


Whenever a complaint is received against a License product then investigation shall take place against it as per IS/ISO 10002 and appropriate action shall be taken against it. 

In case there is high damage then License shall bear entire expenses and BIS will not be responsible for it .


The license is valid for a period of 1 year and will be renewed further by filling the Renewal application form along with nominal fees and will be certified through a chartered Accountant .

What Is Joint Venture ?

What Is Joint Venture ?

In today’s business World , every Organization  focuses on the expansion of its business and enhances its revenue in a small period of time . In such a scenario , Joint Venture agreement Plays an important Role .It can be defined as an agreement that includes two or more parties agreed on a common prospective with  better utilization of resources in order to achieve desired target or outcome.

There is a difference between joint venture and Merger as merger leads to transfer of ownership whereas in case of Joint venture there is no such case of ownership transfer.

Joint Venture can be classified in two types namely –

1]Equity Based Joint Venture – It can be defined as an agreement between the two companies to enter into a separate business venture together .Each partner participated in gains and losses according to the percentage equity ownership they have as per the agreement.

Equity joint venture is one of the best mediums  the best way in which a foreign company can establish its business in India and it is also fruitful for an indian company as it gets the required amount of investment and technology due to the venture.

Contractual Based Joint Venture – It can be defined as an agreement in which two parties come together for a particular business project and sign a contract with terms that define that  they will be together for that particular project only.

The franchise Business is a great example of Contractual Based Joint Venture that includes franchisee and franchise owner entering a joint venture for a specific project that has no resemblance to their individual work or business as it will carry on in a similar manner .

Checklist before entering into  Joint venture –

A] A Proper and deep research work to be done on the Business activities of other company

B] SWOT Analysis is mandatory to be done our business as it provides us important knowledge of our ongoing business in terms of strength , weakness , opportunities , threats of the company

C] One should also compare the working model and criteria of his company with the one you are going to be in venture agreement 

D]  A view of the management and its employees should always be taken into consideration

Process of Joint Venture 

1] The selection of an accurate and right partner is the first and most important step for having  a successful Joint venture . The culture and working module of a proposed partner should be similar with your organization or company.

2] The second step leads towards signing a memorandum of understanding {MOU}  that defines terms and conditions on the basis of which both parties are entering into the Joint venture agreement .Each and every point that defines the need of Joint venture is marked here.

3] Joint Venture Agreement and MOUs should always be drafted in the Presence  of Corporate law expertize.

4] All Details such as type of firm ,source of funding , stake of shareholders , contribution of intangible assets etc. should be mentioned in the joint venture agreement .It should also include the exit Strategy of the involved parties as they might try to dissolve the venture.

5]The next step is the selection of name for the Joint venture with the consent of both the parties 

6]After formulation of Agreement ,  the last and final step is to register the company and the articles of association.

Important Clauses to be mentioned in Joint venture Agreement –

There are some important clauses that should always be highlighted  in the Agreement are provided below –

1] The amount of capital being invested by the involved parties in the joint venture 

2] It should be mentioned how the profits, losses, liabilities to be distributed 

3] Mentioning the responsibilities and work of parties involved in the venture

4] Mediating mechanism and procedure to be followed in case any dispute may arise in future 

5] Proper data to be maintained of the new venture that include administrative and financial records

6] Exit Strategy should be mentioned in case both the involved parties are ready for dissolution of Joint venture.

Opportunities /Advantage of Having Joint Venture Agreement –

The joint venture Agreement provide various advantages  being highlighted below –

1] The new joint venture agreement provides opportunities to involved parties such as access to new resources in terms of technology , experience and talented staff , modern assets and equipment  , capital investment etc.

2] It also leads to a new client or customer acquisition  for involved parties which might not have been possible before being entered into agreement .

3] It also leads to sharing useful ideas , opinions , and information which will be beneficial in terms of growth and development of the new business.

4]  Due to two or more parties involved , It also enhances the workforce level and speed of production of the organization.

5] In case one of the companies  involved has a better reputation or goodwill in the market it will ultimately provide assistance to the other company to enhance its image and reputation in the market.

However it should be kept in mind that if Joint ventures are improperly planned  then due to certain aspects like poorly drafted contracts ,cultural differences , misunderstandings between the parties  it may lead to the termination of agreement.

Disadvantages of the Joint Venture Agreement –

Basically joint ventures have more advantages compared to disadvantages but one should keep an eye on the disadvantages while entering into joint venture agreement. Some of the disadvantages are as follows –  

1] Liability – 

In case of joint ventures there is no liability protection being provided to the businesses involved 

2] Unequal Involvement-

Both the parties involved in joint ventures do not share equal involvement in the business activities and functioning . For example – When one company is monitoring the production department and the other is responsible for the sales and marketing department .Therefore the responsibilities of both companies differ and as a result the involvement period is also different.

3]  Objective –

The  objectives of joint ventures are not clearly defined among people involved in the joint venture agreement.

4] Cultural Differences –

In joint ventures two parties are involved and both the parties have different Management teams and carry different working styles  and due to this difference of management culture it may lead to poor cooperation and integration of both parties.

Termination of Joint Venture Agreement –

The various factors that may lead to the termination of joint venture agreement are as follows –

1] The parties involved are not able to solve the disputes arising between them 

            2] Breach of agreement is done by one of the parties involved in the agreement 

            3]Due to Insolvency 

            4]The Project being defined in agreement is being finished or completed 

The termination policy and rules of the joint venture should be clearly stated in the agreement and in case a joint venture is being terminated due to default of one of the parties involved then the other party shall have the opportunity to get remedies or relief for the losses incurred from other party.

As per the conclusion , it shows that Joint Ventures provides numerous opportunities and advantages to the business involved in the agreement to come together to share their capital , ideas , resources , technology ,equipment ,expertise etc. in order to develop a desired project.

Therefore a proper Agreement is needed to be drafted in order to have a successful joint venture while improper drafting of Agreements may lead to the termination of Joint venture agreement.

What is Fixed Deposit?

What is Fixed Deposit?

Fixed Deposit is a kind of investment which is offered by Banks and Non Banking Financial companies, where you can deposit money for a higher rate of interest which is higher than the interest rate offered by banks and NBFCs in their savings account. Where a lump sum amount of money is deposited for a fixed period of time, which varies for every financier. Usually Fixed Deposit amount cannot be withdrawn before the date of maturity but someone wants to withdraw it in case of an emergency then he can do so in exchange for the penalty.

Features of Fixed Deposit

  1. Fixed deposits enables investors to earn a higher rate of interest on their surplus funds.
  2. You can deposit money for fixed deposit account only once, and if more amount is to be deposited by the investor then for that he needs to create another account.
  3. Though liquidity in case of Fixed deposit is lesser, therefore one can expect a higher rate of interest.
  4. Fixed deposits can easily be renewed.
  5. Tax is deducted as per Income Tax Act, 1961 from the interest of the fixed deposit.

Benefits of Fixed deposit

There are several advantages of fixed deposits and they are as follows-

  1. This form of investment is the safest form of investment instrument.
  2. Return on fixed deposit is fixed and there is no risk involved.
  3. There is no effect of market fluctuations on your fixed deposit, which ensures greater safety of your investment capital.
  4. Higher rate of interest is availed on fixed deposit.
  5. Some financers also offer greater returns on fixed deposit to senior citizens.

Documents for starting Fixed Deposit

  • Latest photograph
  • Certified KYC documents

Public or private limited Company-

  • PAN
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum and Articles of association
  • Partnership deed
  • Board resolution for opening the FD account
  • ID proof of authorized signatory

Partnership Firm-

  • PAN
  • KYC documents of the firm
  • Certificate of Registration
  • Partnership deed
  • List of authorized signatories with specimen signatures
  • ID proofs of authorized signatories

Hindu Undivided Family

  • Certified KYC documents
  • Self-attested PAN card bearing the name of the HUF
  • Deed of declaration of HUF
  • Bank account statement/DEMAT statement in the name of the HUF
  • KYC documents for all adult members of HUF

Statutory Board/Local Authority

  • PAN
  • KYC documents
  • List of authorized signatories with specimen signatures
  • Self-certification on letterhead

Registered Societies

  • PAN
  • KYC documents
  • Copy of Registration certificate under the Societies Registration act
  • List of members of the managing committee
  • Committee resolutions for persons authorised to act as authorised signatory, with other specimen signatures
  • True copies of society’s rules and by-laws, certified by the chairman or secretary.

Why invest in BIAT consultant Fixed deposits

BIAT consultants offers you a greater returns with a higher rate of interest on your Fixed deposits. You can start investing with Rs. 25000/-. 


  • What is Provident Fund (PF)?

PF is an investment fund contributed to by employees, employers and (sometimes) the State, out of which a lump sum is provided to each employee on retirement.

  • How to get Maximum returns from fixed Deposits?

In order to get maximum returns following steps is required to be taken and they are as follows-

  1. Plan your investment strategy
  2. File your returns on time
  3. Ladder you FDs for liquidity and tax benefits
  4. Chose cumulative FDs over non-cumulative one.
  • What is the interest rate on fixed Deposit?

The interest rate is the percentage of money you can earn from your fixed deposit over the course of your tenure. 

  • What is TDS on fixed deposit?

Tax which is deducted from the interest of your fixed deposit which ranges from 0 to 30% depending upon your income tax bracket.