What Is Procedure Of Copywriting A Song In India ?


Once a song is made it is very important to copyright the same as soon as possible in order to protect it from infringement. In this blog we will discuss about how to copyright a song.


Copyright Registration In India is an intellectual property right provided by the law of creators of literary, dramatic, Musical or Artistic Work and producers of Cinematographic films and sound recording.


Documents required for Copyright a song


  • For making an application for songs Copyright, the NOC of Author, Publisher, Composer/ Producer and all other persons involved under creation of song is required to be submitted.
  • Two original and identical copies of the work.


The procedure of songs Copyright in India



  • Filing the Application-  First step in the process of copyright registration of a song, an application is to be filed through a Copyright Government portal. An application can either be filed by the Applicant himself or by the person authorised by him. In Application form the details should be filled properly and is to be filed by giving prescribed fees. After submitting the application number, a Diary number is generated.




  • Formality check fail-  Formality check is done to ensure that the basic requirement of 2 copies of work, and the complete form XIV Power of Attorney are completed. If the application fails on formality check then letter is sent to the Address to service for asking to furnish the necessary requirement issued to the Applicant.




  • Waiting Period-  If the application is passed from second stage without any objection then it will be kept open or will be kept open for receiving any kind of objection from the person who claims or has any interest in the subject matter of the Copyright for the period of 30 days. If no objection is raised between that period then the application will be processed further on the first come first basis.




  • Hearing-  In case any objection is raised on the Copyright applied, then the notice is issued to both the Parties. After receiving the notice, then hearing will be scheduled by the Registrar. In hearing both the parties will be given chance to speak on their part, and then if application is accepted then the it will be processed further.




  • Registration Granted-  Finally the application passed to the Registrar, if Registrar will be satisfied then the Copyright registration certificate will be granted and if not satisfied then the Application will be rejected.


So want to copyright a song in India ? Contact BIATConsultant now

Relevancy and reliability for BIS Registration for consumer Electronics




India is a growing country that is why demand of consumer electronic Goods is increasing day by day. That is why government has introduced Compulsory registration scheme for consumer electronics and for that Bureau of Indian Standards has been introduced and being implemented.


Types of  BIS Certification Scheme



  • Normal procedure for Domestic Manufacturers-  The applicant is required to submit the BIS Certification Application with required documents and requisite fees. After submitting the application preliminary factory evaluation is being done by BIS Officer. Then those samples are tested in the factory. And BIS Certification is provided when sample is accepted. In this process BIS Certification is being granted within 4 months from the date of filing of the Application.
  • Simplified procedure for domestic manufacturers-  In this the applicant submits the test reports of the sample from the BIS approved lab along with application of BIS Certification. If test report is satisfactory then verification is being done by BIS officer, and BIS Certification is granted if the verification is satisfactory. i n this license is expected to be granted within 30 days.
  • Tatkal scheme-  Those Manufacturers who want BIS Certification mandatorily as per government Notification then they can obtain BIS Certification through tatkal scheme. In this scheme the total time for processing is specified within 30 days, and this scheme is taken on the priority basis and is done as soon as possible as compared to the other.
  • Eco- mark scheme-  In this scheme BIS License is granted for eco friendly products. And these products must qualify the Indian standards. However it is similar to domestic Manufacturers.
  • Foreign manufacturers Certification Scheme-  In this foreign Manufacturers are granted this License for the use if ISI mark under separately designed scheme within 6 months period.


So in case you are looking for BIS Registration Consultant in India to get your ISI mark registered in India , contact BIATConsultant.com .

FSSAI Registration In India and the documents required to obtain it


If you are a food operator then it is safe to take Fssai registration as it is Food Safety and security Authority in India. By taking FSSAI Registration it is responsible for governing and maintaining the standards of food businesses in India. And there are documents which are required for its registration. Therefore in this blog we will discuss the documents and need which are required for FSSAI Registration.


Need for FSSAI Registration


Any business operator who is involved with processing, distribution or manufacturing of foods, they require or needs proper license to conduct the business. The operator either needs FSSAI License or FSSAI Registration. Further we are going to discuss the Documents which are required for FSSAI Registration.


Documents Required for FSSAI Registration


  1. Form B- this is the Application form which is to be Filled by the Applicant.
  2. Photo Identity of the Applicant.
  3. Proof of possession of the premises where food business is being operated.
  4. PArtneship Deed and Certificate of Incorporation depending on the type of business entity.
  5. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
  6. List of food products that the FBO is dealing with.
  7. A plan meant to represent the food management system.

After proper checking FSSAI will be granted. 


Contact BIATConsultant for FSSAI registration in India


What is Deceptively similar Trademarks case in India; Brief Example

trademark registration india

One of the biggest hurdle in getting the trademark registered is the similarity of the trademark with the existing similar marks. If you are having a similar mark with the existing mark then it creates confusion in the minds of customers. It is important to understand that Trademark is unique, i.e. it is not deceptively similar to the existing mark.


In order to get registered as Trademark in India, it has to fulfill the criteria of distinctiveness, Non- Similarity and it should not be prohibited by law. Deceptively similar mark is the most common ground on which objection comes from the side of Registry.


According to section 11(1) of Trademark Act, 1999, a trademark cannot be registered if it is deceptively similar, or identical, with the existing trademark and goods and services, that is likely to create confusion in the mind of public at large.


What is deceptively similar mark?


According to the section 2(h) of the trademark Act, 1999, it means that any mark which is similar or identical to the already existing mark, and which is likely to cause confusion among the mind of customers, is called deceptively similar mark which cannot be registered as trademark.


Famous Deceptively similar Trademark Case


In this case there were two marks i.e Starbucks and Sardarbuksh, so in this case sardarbaksh started its business in Delhi and also opened its 5 outlets across Delhi. Whereas Starbucks is a well known mark and also a registered mark all over the globe. And Starbucks filed a case against Sardarbuksh to stop its mark to use it further as it is deceptively similar mark with starbucks and also causing confusion in the mind of public at large. Therefore in this case court ordered Sardarbuksh to change its name to sardar-buksh as it was hampering the business of starbucks which is known and famous globally.


Want to get your trademark registered in India or want a suitable lawyer to handle your trademark cases , hire BIATConsultant – One of the best legal consultant in India .

Step By Step Procedure to incorporate a company in India

company registration india

If you are thinking to start a new Company but is confused regarding its procedure then in this blog we will be discussing the procedure for its incorporation. Read our detailed guidelines for company registration procedure in India


Steps for Incorporating the Company-  


As we have already told you that there are several things which you are required to follow. So here is the list of things or step by step procedure to be followed while incorporating:



  • Step 1:  Choose the name of the business-   This step is perhaps the most important step which is need to be done. Firstly name of the company is t be chosen on which your business will rely, so ame of the company should be unique which gives lasting impression to your consumers. Before applying for the name, the Registrar should check its availability that whether that name is available or not otherwise it can get rejected by the Government after applying for ts name.
  • This step entails the location of your company-  Every sort of Company needs to have its physical location associated with it. It is necessary to identify the location on which you need to do your business. And make sure to check the company incorporation cost, the taxation law and other corporate laws in the place you seek to start your company at.
  • Select the type of incorporation-  It is necessary to decide the kind of company which you need to register. There is Private Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Nidhi Company, Section 8 Company and others. So chose the type of business you do and then decide upon the type of entity that you want.
  • Name of the Directors of the Company-  This step is one of the important step. When you are naming the Directors then make sure that they can manage the affairs of the Company. These Directors are going to be responsible or running the business of the Company.
  • Decide the tps of shares you need-  The type of share depends on how you chose to incorporate your company. But make sure that the share you chose should be right one. You will also need to decide that to who you are assigning the share.
  • Getting Access to the Certificate of Incorporation-  In order to fully incorporate your Company you need to take the certificate of incorporation. Once you get certificate, it will entail Company’s Name,  purpose, location and information of the company like about its Director and its Shareholders.
  • The Last Step-  The last step involves filing the Articles of Association and and submitting it to Registrar of Company wit the required fees. Thi can be done either offline or online. For Offline process you need to consult either Chartered Accountant or Companies Secretaries. For offline process, you need to take help of Attorney as well.



Procedure to close an inactive Company In India

close inactive company in india

If you are running the business then you are definetly aware with the risks that are involved with the Company, and there are times when you need to close your Company because of several reasons like if any Fraudulent activity is happening within the premises. However if you are thinking of closing the company then there are 4 ways by which  you can do so and they are as follows:

  1. Compulsory winding Up of the Company
  2. Voluntary Company
  3. Selling the Company
  4. Defunct Company Closing


Ways to wind up a Private Limited Company



  • Compulsory winding Up the Company-  If there is some Fraudulent activity going on in a company, then Tribunal asks the company for its closure and for closure following are the procedures:


  • Firstly petition is to be filed by the Central or State Government or registrar of Companies, Company, Trade creditor.
  • Then this Petition is attached together with the statement of affair of the Company.
  • Then Form 11 is to be filled by the Company and the Company will have to surrender its assets, submitted all the audited books up to the date when company did their last transaction.
  • Provide the date, time and place for the liquidator of the Company.
  • If everything is in order then company will get dissolved in 60 days.
  1.          Voluntary Closing-  Now if your company is not making any profit and you want to close it down then you there is list of compliances that you need to follow and they are as follows:-
  •  All the Directors should agree for the closure of the company.
  • A special resolution is need to be passed where 3/4th of the Directors needs to be agree.
  • Trade creditors should also agree with the same and for that insolvency declaration has to be made by the Company.
  • Then finally a liquidator is appointed to see that all your assets, liabilities and capital reserves are reported properly.


  1.           Selling the Company-  This is another way for closing of the Company i.e. if any company has transferred majority of its share to someone else, and by doing this stakes of the company is transferred to someone else.
  2.          Closing a Defunct Company-  A Defunct Company gets the status of the Dormant Company. This Company can be closed down using a fast track process. This can be done by filing of the form STK-2.

Firstly form has to be filled and submitted to the Registrar of Companies. However the Defunct Company should be without any liability, they should not be having any business after incorporation of the company, and have not functioning one year prior to filing the Application of Fast Track Scheme.




Making your Brand Name(Trademark) popular is well and good but if it is used by somebody else then it is of no use. Therefore it is necessary to register your brand name as soon as possible so that it can exclusively be used by you only and by no one else. Therefore it is important to know its registration process and fees in India. Therefore through this blog we are going to tell you about these facets of Brand Registration.


Brand Name(Trademark) Registration Process And Procedure In India


A Brand Name is a legal aspect of your product or service. Therefore throughout the registration process you will have to follow some legal procedures which can be quite lengthy. Therefore brand name registration process in India is as follows:-


  1. Firstly you need to gather all the Documents which is required for Registration.
  2. Then decide upon your Brand Name.
  3. Then put that Brand Name in Public search module and then check whether that name is available.
  4. Once you have check its name and classify its class then you are ready to file with the application online.
  5. Online Registration of the Brand Name requires Digital Signature of the Attorney or f Agents.
  6. Then file and submit the Application, and it will end up with the IP Department.
  7. Then they will check your Application and Brand Name that whether it is truly available.
  8. Once the Application is accepted by the department then it will get published inside the journal.
  9. Then the name will remain in the journal  for 3 months and if no opposition comes then it will automatically get registered.

Also Read : Procedure of registering trademark in India

The process that is mentioned here is quite lengthy. However there are several other obstacles that can be raised by the registry after filing of the Application and they are as follows:-



  • Brand Name Objection-  Once Application for the registration of Brand Name is filed then Registry check from its side that whether there exist a similar brand name or not and they raise objection in their Examination Report, and when Examination Report comes reply is to be given to the Registry. And if Registry is not satisfied with the reply then they will issue notice for hearing.
  • Brand Name Opposition-  This can happen once your Brand Name is being published. This generally comes when your Brand name is opposing other person’s Brand name. Dealing with this issue is long therefore it is recommended to take advice from professional before applying for your Brand Name Registration. And for this it is advised to take help of an Attorney or an Advocate.



If you want to get your Brand Name registered then you can get in touch with Biatconsultant.com and can provide you the best brand registration service at the most affordable price of Rs INR 6,499/-. Our Application will make sure that there is of need of reply. However if their are some objections then there are our Attorneys to handle these matters as well.


CopyRight Registration Process In India

copyright registration process in india

Copyright Registration Process


Copyright is a protection given for Literary, Artistic, dramatic and Musical work and for producers for Cinematographic films and Sound Recording. In fact it is a bundle of right which is given for rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work.  Basically it is a right given to the creators, as India is a developing economy and through new creations only India is getting developed day by day. Therefore it safeguards the rights of the Authors over their creations and thereby creation is protected and Rewarded.

Also Read. : BIS Registration Process In India


Copyright Registration process


Firstly Application for Copyright Registration  is to be filed by an Applicant, and there should be separate application for each registration if there are more than application and each application should be accompanied with the prescribed fees which is given or provided by the Registry.  And that Application should be firstly signed by an applicant itself and by the Advocate whose Vakalatnama and Power of attorney is attached or has been executed. And that Vakalatnama shall be signed by the party and accepted by the Advocate, and hat acceptance should be enclosed.


Then Diary Number is being allotted by the Registry to the Applicant, and after getting your Diary Number you have to wait for he mandatory period of  days so that no objection is raised in the copyright office against your claim that particular work is not created by you.


Then if there will be no Objection then there will be scrutinization by the examiner, then after scrutinization they will search for Discrapencies, if no dicrapancy found then copyright registration will be approved by the Registry, but there is any discrapancy found then discrepancy letter will be issued to the Applicant, and reply to that letter will be prepared by the Applicant, and then hearing by the registrar will be conducted then either  approval or rejection for registration will be done.

And if there is an objection raised in the Copyright office hen letter for objection will be served to both the parties, and then reply has to be filed by both the parties, then hearing will be conducted by the Registrar and then application will either be Accepted or rejected , if Application is accepted then check for discrapancy will be conducted and discrapancy is found then letter will be issued to the Applicant and then Applicant will prepare the reply, and then mater will be gone for hearing and then registrar will either accept the application or will reject it.  And finally if the application is approved then Application for copyright will be registered and if rejected then application will be rejected.

Also Read : Trademark registration process in India


Therefore through copyright literary, artistic, dramatic and musical work can be copyrighted, you can also file a copyright application for your website or other computer programme, for any computer software and computer programme can be registered as Literary work. And as er section 2(o) of Copyright Act, 1957 literary work includes Computer programme, tables and compilations, including computer databases. Therefore Copyright protection prevents undue proliferation, of private products of work, and ensures that the individual owner retains significant rights over their creations.


BIATConsultant is #1 online legal consultant in India serving clients since 2004. .


Process Of Company Registration In India

company registration in india

Steps to form a Private Limited company


A Private Limited company is a Company or a small entity which is held privately. And it limits the liability of the owners to their shares i.e. in case of loss occurred by the company in future then the owners will only liable to their shares. In Private Limited company minimum shareholders should be two and maximum 200 shareholders should be there, and they are restricted to trade their shares publically.


Advantages of Forming Private Limited Company


  1. That forming a private limited company limit the risk to the personal asst of the owner. Therefore if a company is a small entity then it is always recommended to form a Private Limited Company as there is no ris to the personal asset as in case in a Limited Company.
  2. Private Limited Company is a separate legal entity which means that Company is responsible for the management of its assets and liabilities, debtors and creditors.
  3. A company has a Perpetual succession which means that even on the death of the Partner the company continues to exist unless it is legally dissolved.

Also Read : Process Of Trademark Registration In India


Steps for forming a Private Limited Company Registration


  1. First step is to obtain Digital Signature Certificate which is required for filing the forms for company registration. The registration process is online and the forms requires the Digital Signature. You must obtain the digital signature which is certified either by Government or by the Authorized Agencies. The cost of obtaining agencies varies from agencies to agencies. DSC is obtained under class 2 or class 3, under class 2 identity of a person is verified against a pre-verified database, whereas under class 3, person should be present himself before the registering authority to prove their identity.
  2. Next step is to apply for DIN (Director Identification Number) Number, for a Director. DIN Number is basically obtained to be a Director of the following Company .There are three ways for filing DIN and they are as follows:
  • File form DIN 3- this form requires basic details of the Proposed Directors along with the Documentation Like PAN Card, AAdhar Card etc.
  • With filing spice in this maximum three Directors can apply for DIN. if a company wants to incorporate with more than 3 Directors and 3 Directors does not have their DIN Number then in that case applicant has to incorporate their company with 3 Directors only and and have to incorporate new Directors later on after incorporation of a company.
  • If you want to register a company with Biatconsultant then there is no need to apply for separate DIn Number as it is included with the registration process only.


 For name approval you have to incorporate your company Via Reserve Unique name (RUN). the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has introduced this RUN facility according to which name for approval is given to the MCA and if Ministry has rejected the name i.e. if the name of the company is not approved then  second chance is given. So BiatConsultant helps you to find with the unique name so that there is less chance for approval of a name for incorporaion of a company.

If under spice form, name is not approved by the ministry then no second chance is given and you have to file fresh application and there is no fee.


Procedure for BIS Registration

bis registration in india

The initial step is to get the item tried from any of the BIS Laboratories according to their affirmed scope (recorded at BIS site (www.bis.org.in)) . all basic part will be announced by the assembling unit and test report of every segment will be submitted to lab, if pertinent.

Besides the test report will be issued by the BIS Recognized Laboratory just ib the name of Manufacturer (Applicant) who is really fabricating the item. The test report which is gotten will specify the name of the assembling unit and its entire address i.e. its production line address from where it is made.

Before test report is presented the application for registration in BIS. it ought to be guaranteed that the test report which was created ought to be tried and assessed and finished legitimately.

At that point following stage is to download the shape 6 which is Application for give of registration and frame 7 which is self assessment cum revelation for registration from the BIS site.

Application in Form 6 and frame 7 it is to ensure that it is properly marked and totally filled by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of that assembling unit (Applicant) of creating great.

Following ought to be submitted for BIS Registration and they are as per the following:

-That frame 6 and shape 7 ought to be filled and properly marked b the CEO of the assembling unit (Applicant) or by the Authorized agent (not Indian Representative). Assembling unit will likewise present the Authorization letter in such manner and no section will be left unfilled in the application frame.

-Every one of the records will be submitted and those archives of name and address will be confirmed by the expert. What’s more, the name and finish address of the assembling unit will be accessible in the archive.

-If there should be an occurrence of outside producer frame 6 and shape 7 will be countered marked by an Indian Representative or by the approved agent of branch or liason which is available in India.

-Test report which was issued by the BIS Laboratories will be submitted and that test repost ought not be more seasoned than 90 long periods of issue date by Lab.

-Assertion for the concede of Registration of outside producer will be marked by the Indian Representative or by the Authorized delegate of branch/or liason office.

At that point letter for registration will be gotten.

In this way Rs. 1000 is to be paid for the Application frame at that point expenses shifts in Inspection, Grant of License and so on.

In this manner through this blog we attempt to clear the process for the methodology for BIS Registration process in India