Is Independent Director really an independent person?

independent director

In the age of start-ups there are Directors who take up the charge of the company as they manage and controls the whole of the undertaking efficiently.


Directors are the representatives of the investors and ensures that the company is moving inna right direction to achieve its objectives. For every startup Board of Directors takes necessary steps to ensure that there is no mismanagement in the company.


Independent Director


Independent Directors are the Directors who are brought from outside to participate in Board Meeting of a company and must not be having any material or pecuniary interest in the Company. Only those who are not having any material or Pecuniary interest in the Company determined by the Board to Directors to become Independent Director of the Company. He is given sitting fees in the Board meetings of the Company.


Appointment of Independent Directors


Appointment of Independent Directors in a Listed and Unlisted Companies is very easy and the same is approves in the meeting of shareholders and Independent Directors are appointed as per the provisions under Companies Act, 2013 and they are as follows-


For Listed Companies-  at least one third of the total Directors should be independent Directors.


For unlisted Companies-  At least there should be two Directors who are Independent in case of unlisted companies.

  • Public companies should be having paid up share capital of 10 crores or more.
  • Public companies must be having turnover of Rs. 100 crores or more.
  • And public companies who should be having in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures, and deposits exceeding 50 crore Rupees or more.


Term of Appointment


The appointment is for a term of 5 years commencing from the date of appointment and ending on 6th Annual general meeting of the company following the date of appointment. Such appointment can be terminated at any point of time according to the Companies Act, 2013.


The time period of the Independent Director must not exceed two consecutive periods of 5 years each and can be extended for a second term only after passing a special resolution.


Re-appointment of Independent director


According to the companies Act, 2013 Independent Directors can be reappointed only after the expiry of the second term but such reappointment can be done only after the expiry of three years.


Independent Directors always makes sure that the affairs of the company are conducted in a best way so that organisational objectives can be achieved easily.

Want to form a company or get appointed in a company as a director , consult BIATConsultant – #1 Business Consultant In India

Types of Copyright in India

Types of Copyright in India

Copyright is a a form of intellectual Property which gives exclusive right to the Authors and creators of original work, and also it gives economic rights to the author which includes right to Copy or publication of a work, or any substantial part of asset.


Copyright of literary work


Books, poems and all literary work which is written by a author must take copyright of it because just writing the book and saving it in a Computer or hard disk does not make you a legal owner of that Book. therefore it is important to take copyright protection of each and every Literary work which is your original creation to do copyright of the same.


Copyright of Cinematography


Visual Collection of any moving object with sound is termed as Cinematographic film. It takes or requires lot of hard work to produce a cinema, and therefore there are lots of people who are involved in its production. And therefore the Producer of it can claim for the copyright of a Cinematographic Cinema. There are certain rights which are provided to the Producer and they are as follows:-

  1. To sell or resell it or give it on hire
  2. To make a copy, Photograph or produce it in parts.
  3. Producer is the only person who will publish the film in public and in that sound recording of a movie is not covered.
  4. Also the artists, the movie is not protected by the copyright of the film.


Copyright of Painting


Painting is an Artistic work and can be copyrighted, whoever makes that painting is said to be the original creation of that person.the person who buys a painting from an exhibition is not said to be the original creator of that painting unless that person has granted no objection certificate from its original creator.


Copyright of a Software


Software Developer uses Software Copyright and proprietary software companies to prevent unauthorised copying of their copyright.


Points of Copyright to keep in mind while remixing a song


Remix of a song is costlier to do a copyright of a song as Remix of a song is just a mix of songs which already there in market and not the original work of the creator.


There are certain issues which are faced in Copyright of a Music


  1. Reproduce work in any form
  2. Issue copy of the work
  3. Perform the work in public
  4. Make any films
  5. Sound recording in the work
  6. Translation of that work

Procedure For Registration Under Goods And Service Tax (GST) In India

gst registration online



1. Mandatory registration

Before getting registered under GST which came into force in India in July 2017,
we should know what is GST. GST is known as Goods and Service Tax which covers
both supply of Goods and services.
1. Any supplier either Individual/ firm/ company /any organization doing
business or services in India and whose turnover exceeds the threshold
limit i.e 20 lacs at present are required to get mandatorily registered under
2. It authorizes the person for collection of GST from the customers.
3. It also allows claim of Input tax credit or GST paid on purchases of goods
and /or services and utilizing the same for payment of taxes due on supply
of goods and or services.

1.Pan card/Aadhar card
2.Electricity bill/ Telephone bill/Rent Agreement/ ownership proof/No objection
3.MOA/AOA OR Partnership Deed
4. Bank statement/ cancelled cheque
5. Photograph in Individual and partnership
6.Email Address

7.Mobile No

1. First go to Govt site.
2. In Part a of form GST REG -01 PAN No. Mobile No. email Id . should be
3. Temporary Reference Numer shall be received on mobile and Email after
otp verification.
4. After that part B of GST RG 01 shall have to filled up and duly signed by
DSC/EVC and documents should be uploaded.
5. An acknowledgement shall be sent in GST RG 02 after successful submission
of above said firm.
6. If any objection is intimated in GST RG 03 it will have to be cleared by
visiting related GST office or through GST RG 04.
7. If application accepted you shall get registration Certificate in GST RG 06
otherwise Rejection certificate in GSR RG 05

What Is Section 8 Company And Its Registration Process In India ?

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If you are planning to start non- profit Organization then opening a section 8 company is a good option as it involves several benefits within it.  So here in this blog we will discuss the procedure for the registration of Section 8 Company.


Objectives of section 8 Company


Section 8 company is basically to start Non- Profit Organization into certain kind of business entity. And the objectives of Section 8 company are as following:-


  1. To promote science, Art, Commerce, Education, social welfare, charity, social welfare, Protection of environment or any other objective that relates to social-economical conditions of society in some shape or form.
  2. The profits which are generated through this business is to be used or promote the above mentioned objective.
  3. Its only objective is to promote business and its profits not to be distributed among its members.


Section 8 Company Registration Process


  1. Firstly Digital signature Certificate is to be obtained of one of the Directors of the Company.
  2. Then DIN (Digital identification number) is to be obtained of the proposed Section 8 Company.
  3. Then Name is to be Approved through RUN (Reserve Unique Name) and then submit it to the Registrar of Companies.
  4. The MOA ( Memorandum of association and AOA (Articles of Association) is to be submitted in which under MOA Objectives and Powers of the Company is explained where in AOA rules and regulations that are followed by NON-Profit organization/ Entity.
  5. Then Form INC 12 is to be filed, this form is for providing such institute a License to conduct welfare activities.
  6. Finally we file for Company Incorporation, by filing spice Form.


Documents which are required


  1. Copy of PAN Card of Director
  2. Any Identity Proof
  3. Utility Proof as Address proof for the headquarters of Company
  4. Passport sized photo id
  5. Proof of ownership of the registered office
  6. An NOC as well.


Get your section 8 company registered in India with ease by BIATConsult

What is Deceptively similar Trademarks case in India; Brief Example

trademark registration india

One of the biggest hurdle in getting the trademark registered is the similarity of the trademark with the existing similar marks. If you are having a similar mark with the existing mark then it creates confusion in the minds of customers. It is important to understand that Trademark is unique, i.e. it is not deceptively similar to the existing mark.


In order to get registered as Trademark in India, it has to fulfill the criteria of distinctiveness, Non- Similarity and it should not be prohibited by law. Deceptively similar mark is the most common ground on which objection comes from the side of Registry.


According to section 11(1) of Trademark Act, 1999, a trademark cannot be registered if it is deceptively similar, or identical, with the existing trademark and goods and services, that is likely to create confusion in the mind of public at large.


What is deceptively similar mark?


According to the section 2(h) of the trademark Act, 1999, it means that any mark which is similar or identical to the already existing mark, and which is likely to cause confusion among the mind of customers, is called deceptively similar mark which cannot be registered as trademark.


Famous Deceptively similar Trademark Case


In this case there were two marks i.e Starbucks and Sardarbuksh, so in this case sardarbaksh started its business in Delhi and also opened its 5 outlets across Delhi. Whereas Starbucks is a well known mark and also a registered mark all over the globe. And Starbucks filed a case against Sardarbuksh to stop its mark to use it further as it is deceptively similar mark with starbucks and also causing confusion in the mind of public at large. Therefore in this case court ordered Sardarbuksh to change its name to sardar-buksh as it was hampering the business of starbucks which is known and famous globally.


Want to get your trademark registered in India or want a suitable lawyer to handle your trademark cases , hire BIATConsultant – One of the best legal consultant in India .

Procedure For Registering Trademarks in India


Trademarks is any name, slogan, graphics, shading mix or even notice that is a special articulation identified with an item or administrations that recognize its merchandise and ventures from others. By Trademark registration the proprietor gets a selective right of use of that trademark and can additionally exchange it likewise in the event that he need to.

For trademark registration initially, Trademark search is to be done, through which one gets demonstrate that current brand innocence or comparable name does not exist and further no protest could be raised by the registry.

At that point Application for trademarks is to be connected by an individual itself or they can pick their Attorney or Agents to do as such, as through BIATCONSULTANT trademark Registration can be connected for. At that point inside three long periods of Application the Applicant can utilize ™ image as it requires long investment for the registration of the trademarks and subsequent to getting registered the proprietor or the Applicant can utilize R image for its trademark.

Trademarks Registration process Online In India

Top off the Trademark Registration frame:

Before you start with the technique, the trademark registration shape is to be filled by the Applicant which is likewise called as TM-A (Trademark application) specifying your important subtle elements. The frame approaches about the business for your business, in the event that the trademark is being registered in its name, and the logo, slogan, word you are registering.

Trademark Search

Before you go for a trademark registration it is essential to ensure that there is no current or comparable trademark, so you will do trademark search first, or through Biatconsultant, we ensure that we do exhaustive search and after that disclose to you that whether your check is accessible or not.

Choice of Class

Each brand name and logo is registered under a specific class. The Trademark Registry has ordered the products and ventures in various classes i.e. from class 1 to 45. Through biatconsultant we assist you with searching and propose for the fitting classes under which your trademark falls. For instance, autos falls in various class while Restaurant falls in various class.

Trademark Application documented

When you have documented your application then you will get a ™ Number from the recorder which causes the Applicant to track the application or trademark status on the web and besides the Applicant can utilize the ™ image with their image name.

Fastening the Vienna Codification

This is the critical advance in Trademark registration. The Vienna Classification or Vienna Codification is the worldwide arrangement of the component of stamp. When you have recorded an application for a trademark, the trademark enlistment center will affis the Vienna Classification on your trademark. At this stage it is perused as “Application sent for Vienna Classification”.

Trademark Examination

After your trademark is sent for vienna order, the trademark officer will look at your trademark based on techniques and rules. After that the Trademark Application can either be acknowledged or Registry can raise the complaint based on examination report.

Hearing before trademark enlistment center/Officer

On the off chance that the Registrar isn’t happy with your application or has rejected our trademark application then you can go for hearing before the Registrar. Subsequent to hearing your focuses in hearing if recorder gets fulfilled then they can go for settle arrange or it is possible that they can dismiss their application. Also, on the off chance that you are not happy with the choice of the Registrar then you can approach the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.

BIATConsultant is #1 business consultant for Trademark registration online in India . Contact us now .

How To Register DOT OSP License For Call Centres In India ?

dot ops license

How to register a call centre in India

Other Service Providers (OSP) are the service provider of IT and telecommunication services. OSP can take telecom services from authorized telecom service providers. These services can be provided in the field of banking, medicine, e-commerce, aviation, education etc. telecom resources are telecom facilities used by OSP. There are two kinds of OSP domestic and International. 

OSP services need to get registered through Department of Telecommunication (DOT). Services can be provided according to the terms and conditions formulated by telecom commission in February, 2000. There are certain services like call center, IT Services, and telebanking.

Requirement of OSP Registration:

  • Incorporation certificate of the company.
  • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
  • Board resolution of power of attorney authorizing the authorized signatory with self attested signatures.
  • Nature of business or activities of proposed OSP.
  • Directors list of company
  • The present shareholding pattern of the company and equity details.
  • A number of seats in the call centre
  • Schematic diagram of the call centre layout and details of equipment
  • Address of the location connected with leased lines or where incoming only PSTN lines are terminating
  • The bandwidth of the leased lines

Steps to Register:

  • First you need to visit website
  • Fill form 1 where all the information about the services are needed to fill.
  • Submit the important documents mentioned above. The documents should certify from Company Secretary, Director, Statutory Auditor, or Public Notary.
  • After it, the authority makes necessary verification and it grants the license valid upto 20 years from the date of such Application.
  • The Company can have more than one OSP which requires an amendment.
  • The processing fee is to be paid Rs. 1000 can be in the form of DD or other banking norms.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Telecom resources of OSP should be from an authorized telecom service provider.
  • After examination of a network diagram of the network proposed to be set up by the OSP from Authorized telecom service provider.
  • OSP should submit the copy of the network diagram approved by the telecom service provider to VTM cells for records and verification.
  • OSP can have internet connectivity from an authorized internet service provider.
  • Permission to share OSP with Telecom Bandwidth with other activities of the same company or group of companies.
  • Restriction has been proposed that the OSP shall not, without the prior written consent. Directly or indirectly, assign or transfer this registration in any manner.


A comprehensive guide to start a BPO in India

For every aspiring entrepreneurs who desire to start a BPO the procedure for its Registration may sound tedious. In this blog we have outlined certain easy steps which you can follow to start a BPO in India.

When it comes to Indian Stereotypes, talk about the call centres come at the top of it. But, regardless of how it might look like, there is a certain amount of untapped potential of profit in this industry. This fact is pretty evident by the fact that several start-ups are actually moving forward with their dreams of having their own Business Processing Outsource (BPO). However, this entire prospect of BPO centre is not quite easy. It requires patience, lots of legal hurdles, and lots of documents that can make the entire process quite daunting.

However, with this blog, we aspire to ease your pain on how to start a BPO in India. Once you are done with this blog, you will have a more intimate understanding of the documents you require and the acts which you need to perform.

Step 1- setting up your BPO institution as a legal entity

  • Before you move on to setting up your Business Processing, you need to make sure that it stands as a proper legal entity. When it comes to India, you should sick with the most popular and the most feasible legal entity. Private Limited Company is the most relevant one. You can read about that how to give your business this legal identity in one of our other blogs.

Step 2- adhere to the purpose of BPO

  • A BPO is meant to provide services, these services come under other service providers (OSP). Therefore you will need to provide an OSP registration to your legal entity.

Step 3- Adhere to the following guidelines

  • Here is a succinct outlook on the guidelines that you need to follow while setting up a BPO:
  1. There are exclusivity for call centres in India.
  2. They are registered under OSP category defined in section NTS 99.
  3. The validity period is 20 year.
  4. 100% FDI is permissible in all of the call centres in India
  5. There should be no change in foreign or Indian promoters to the call center until approved by the competent authority
  6. The resources that the call centre use should have legal standing
  7. The telecom services provided to the BPOs will be based on their approved network diagrams.
  8. There should be no interconnecticity of the international call centre to the domestic one.
  9. The Department of Telecommunication is responsible for providing the adequate approval for interconnecting two domestic centers.

There are several other guidelines which you need to adhere in a letter head that you need to provide along with the following documents:

  1. A DD of 1000 Rupees in the name of “pay and accounts officer (HQ), DOT”
  2. Location of the termination sites of IPLC
  3. Bandwidth of that IPLC
  4. Number of seats in the centre
  5. Schematic diagram of the call centre
  6. Name of the foreign/domestic clients associated with the BPO


So in case you are looking for DOT OSP license registration in India for your call centres , you can contact BIATConsultant who can help you getting the license with ease .

Why should I obtain ISO 9001 for my business?

iso 9001 registration

Every enterprise who desires to magnify his business by building customer trust an efficiency shall head out to obtain this certificate.

Every business is incorporated with a motive of attaining success and creating an image among customers. For attaining trust it is very crucial for every business unit to practice efficient business management tools. How can any company ensure effective implementation of quality registrations? A company can deal with quality management system by obtaining an ISO certification. The ISO certificate is obtained by the  international organization for standardization or ISO. It is an international non Government body possessing almost 162 countries as its members. No matter what is the size of the Organization big or small this is a generic standard which can be applied to any kind of Organization. One important thing to be noted here is that if a person desires to tender for public sector work then obtaining this certificate is mandatory requirement for you. Through this blog we will take you to the meaning of ISO certification and its Advantages.

What is ISO 9001?

All across the world ISO 9001 is recognized as the quality management system in the world. Belonging to the ISO 9000 family this certificate deals with the various aspects and angles of quality management. Basically the aim of the certificate is to set out the criteria that can assist the organization in meeting the requirement and expectations of its customers. When the Organization obtains this certificate it helps them in enhancing the customer satisfaction and thus increasing the business with continual improvement in the performance. Every company irrespective of its size, work, and the products can gain benefits from the ISO 9001. One more thing to be noted about this certificate is that it is applicable to all the sectors of activities whether it is a public administration or business enterprise.

How will ISO 9001 benefit your business?

Simply stated ISO 9001 helps your business to grow and to stay at the next level reached. This certificate is a global recognition that help every business to create an identity of its own and  welcome new business opportunities. Lakhs of organizations in the world are using this certificate and has reaped its benefits over years. Below we have listed out some of the benefits of this certificate for a business entity. 

Improved customer satisfaction

The basic essence of this certificate is to improve the experience of its customers by making improvements in its ways and methodology focusing on customer requirements. Having a happy and satisfied customer base is the desire of every enterprise that contributes to the success of business immensely.

Increased credibility of the company

ISO 9001 is known as the standard of quality management system all over the globe. Thus obtaining this certificate attaches a good image with the company. Moreover usually ISO 9001 is the usual requirement for the company looking for a supplier. In this way ISO 9001 plays a crucial role in increasing credibility of the company and image of your business.

Integration of business process

There are simple processes in a business organization which makes it harder to integrate them all. This certification set out the efficient procedures, the flaws and errors are moved out and a better integration of all procedures is ensured.

Continuous improvement of business is ensured

ISO 9001 requires the consistent growth of business operations which in turn improves the overall growth of the business. Also it helps an organization to get and grab bigger opportunities that can drastically improve the performance of the business. 

Marketing tool

in today’s era of competition marketing is not an additional requirement rather it is a primary need for the success of every business. Obtaining this certificate helps a business unit to imprint its good image in the minds of people. Thus it can prove to be a very good marketing tool for both big and small scale enterprises.

Improved quality of products

By now we have clearly understood that obtaining this certificate helps in placing quality standards in organization. When organizations observe certain standards the staff becomes much clear and thus the quality of products also improves.

Motivation to staff

This certification ensures the facilitation of clear processes and (communication) structures, tasks, and responsibilities throughout the entire Organization. To implement the clear processing staff involvement is mandatory. That assists in the motivation of staff improving the working atmosphere and reducing the pressure of work.

To conclude we can say that ISO certificate is powerful tools that helps the business units to bring out their best. Are you planning to obtain this certificate? Don’t wait to connect with the experts of BIATCONSULTANTS.COM

5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Paying Advance Tax

tax return online biatconsultant

As the filing of return countdown has started so we thought to untwist the term Advance Tax for Taxpayers. There are so many questions hovering in your mind that whether Advance Tax applicable on you when you have to pay advance tax, what is the proportion of advance tax and much more. Lets untwist these questions piece by piece.

Advance tax is simply as the name implies, pay your taxes in advance as you start earning instead of the lump sum payment in the end of the financial year. 

You must be trying to find out the logic behind the advance tax, let me just clear, if you think from government point of view then you will be able to figure out that the Government cannot wait until the end of the financial year to collect your tax, because Government also needs to run the economy every day, so it is difficult to wait for one cycle of financial year to collect your tax. 

Advance tax is paid on the estimated income in a particular financial year like your salary. You can fairly estimate that how much salary you are going to get by the end of the year. But as you are aware that you get your salary after collecting deducting tax which is called TDS (Tax Deducted At Source), so in this case advance tax is taken care of by the TDS. Therefore, most of the time salaried people don’t need to worry about advance tax. Thus, we can say if you have any income other than salary then you must keep in mind the liability to pay the advance tax. 

Threshold limit for Advance tax:

Advance tax liability arises only when your tax liability exceeds Rs 10,000, mark the word tax liability, not the total income. Which means that first you have to compute tax on your total income, and if the tax exceeds Rs. 10,000 then only you are required to pay advance tax.

Due dates to pay advance tax:

Advance tax is paid in installments by the due datesas prescribed under income tax laws. Below are the complete details payment of advance tax : 

Payment of advance tax:

To calculate your advance tax you can visit on

Consequences of not paying advance tax by due dates:

If you have paid extra tax than you are required to pay, then you can claim a refund of that extra amount.

So lets wrap up this Article by giving you tips that you should start computing your income to know whether you are liable to pay advance tax or not so that you don’t fall into the non-compliance pool.

Do I need to pay Advance Tax:

An individual company is prone to pay advance tax if he has financial gain from interest, commission, rent, business or profession,. Etc.on that no tax has been subtracted at source like TDS. Advance liabilities arises wherever the balance liabilities is Rs. 10,000/- or a lot of it. If you are salaried person with solely regular payment as the sole source of financial gain, advance tax wouldn’t be applicable as tax subtracted at supply ould be taken care of by the person who has hired you. If you have got different sources of financial gain, such as, financial gains from capital gains, shares and mutual funds, financial gain from house property, etc. Advance tax is obligatory.

How to calculate Advance Tax:

  1. Estimate your freelancing income: add the expected financial gains from your client. If you have got in progress agreements that lay out payment terms, use those for estimating your income.
  2. Subtract expenses: from this financial gain you are allowed to scale back expenses that are directly associated with the freelancing work. Rent of your work, internet, telephone prices, depreciation of computers, travel expenses etc.
  3. Add up all different income: add expected financial gain from alternative heads like house property, interest financial gain, etc. 
  4. If the remaining tax exceeds Rs. 10,000/-, you are required to pay advance tax.

Paying Advance tax is important as failure to pay it would lead you to be penalized. It is important that you should hire a trusted tax consultant to help drive out the myths and build a strategy to best protect the company.


BIATConsultant is leading Chartered Accountancy consultancy firms delivering expert advice since 2004 .

How To File Income Tax Return For Private Limited Company

Filing income tax returns is a crucial requirement which is followed by both the companies. There are specific tax rates and time period which is specified in income tax rules and regulations that is required to be followed by every individual and company.
Income tax return is the form required to be filed with the tax authorities in order to report the income, expenses, and other tax crucial information. In India, the individual and companies meeting, the specified requirement are required to file this return on annual basis. Just like any other company private limited company is also required to file their income tax returns timely.

According to the income tax act, the tax return filing of the companies can be categorized into two parts one is of a domestic company and other is of a foreign company. With this article we will understand the comprehensive aspect of income tax return filing private limited companies.

Income Tax Rate of a Company:
Basic rate: for domestic companies in India following tax rates are being followed:
If gross turnover is up to 250 crore in the previous year – 25%

If gross turnover is exceeding 250 crore in the previous year – 30%

Surcharge: If income tax exceeds INR 1 crore – 7% rate will be applicable on the total income computed.

If income exceeds INR 10 crore – 12% rate will be applicable on the total income computed.

Minimum Alternate Tax:
it is a concept according to which all the companies whose tax liability is less than 18.5% of book of profit are required to pay the minimum alternate tax at the rate of 18.5% of book of profit in addition to surcharge and education cess.

Time limit for filing return:
The last date for filing income tax return by every private limited company registered in India is 30 th September.

Types of tax return to be filed by company:
There are two types of income tax return which is to be filed by every company, one is ITR 6 and ITR 7. Private limited companies are required to file ITR and Nidhi companies are required to file ITR 7. is leading company who has expertise team of CA’s and other professionals ready to provide you expert guidance on income tax return filing for private limited companies online .Contact us now .