Demystifying Design Registration in India: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Patent Design Registration

Design Registration in India


Design registration is a crucial legal process that protects the unique and innovative visual appearance of products. In India, the process of design registration is governed by the Designs Act, of 2000, and administered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of design registration in India, covering key aspects, benefits, and the process involved.

Understanding Design Registration

Design registration provides legal protection to the visual elements of a product, such as shape, configuration, ornamentation, and pattern, as long as they are new and original. This protection prevents others from copying or imitating the design for a specified period, typically 15 years from the date of registration.

Key Benefits of Design Registration

  • Exclusive Rights: Registered design owners enjoy exclusive rights to use, make, and sell their designs. This prevents others from using the same design without permission.
  • Monetary Gains: Registered designs can be licensed or sold, allowing the owner to earn royalties or profits from the design.
  • Legal Protection: Design registration provides a legal basis for enforcing rights against infringers, helping protect your creative work.
  • Competitive Advantage: Having a registered design can give your product a competitive edge in the market, as it demonstrates uniqueness and originality.
  • Increased Market Value: Registered designs can increase the overall value of your business, making it more attractive to investors or potential buyers.

Design Registration Process in India

  • Preparation of Application: Before filing for design registration, ensure that your design is new and original. Conduct a thorough search to check if similar designs exist. Once confident, prepare the application form.
  • Filing the Application: The application can be filed online through the Design Application Management System (DAMS) on the official website of the Indian Patent Office. Along with the application form, provide the requisite documents, including drawings, photographs, and a description of the design.
  • Examination: After filing, the application undergoes examination by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks. The examination aims to verify the novelty and originality of the design. If any objections arise, they must be addressed.
  • Publication: If the application passes the examination, it is published in the Design Journal, which is available to the public. Any interested party can oppose the registration within four months of publication.
  • Registration: If there are no oppositions or if oppositions are successfully defended, the design is registered, and a registration certificate is issued. The owner now has exclusive rights to the design.
  • Protection Period: The registered design is protected for an initial period of ten years, extendable for an additional five years, totaling fifteen years from the date of registration.

Design Registration vs. Patent Design Registration

It’s important to note that design registration is distinct from patent Design registration. While design registration protects the ornamental aspects of a product, patent registration safeguards new and inventive processes, methods, or products. In some cases, a product may require both design and patent protection to safeguard its unique features comprehensively.


Design registration in India is a valuable tool for protecting the visual elements of your product, granting you exclusive rights and legal protection. By understanding the process and benefits of design registration, you can effectively safeguard your creative work and gain a competitive edge in the market. Whether you’re an individual designer or a business owner, design registration is a crucial step toward preserving your intellectual property and maximizing its potential.

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