trademark registration in India

Getting a trademark is not an easy task. It has to go to through several stages
in order to get registered. Trademark can be done of various things like
company’s logo, company’s symbol or name etc. In order to get it trademark it
has to go through a serious inspection before it is approved. There are various
status that can be granted to trademark application. Some of them are as

Online new application
This status appears when you are filling up the application. Online new
application is available when you are filling it online.

Send To Vienna Codification
There are different categories in which the trademark is applied. If the
trademark consists of symbol, logo or any other design, it is assigned a code
called “Vienna Codification” and this stage is termed as “Send to Vienna

Formalities Chk Pass
This is a very important stage in which all the important formalities are
checked such that it meets all the basic requirements. This stage is termed as
“Formalities chk pass”.

Formalities Chk Fail
As we have already discussed what is formality chk pass status. Now if in that
stage if all the formalities fail to pass, then this stage is termed as “formalities
chk fail”.

Marked For Exam
After all the formality checks, the trademark is passed to the examiner. The
examiner approves in according to various sections of the Trade Marks Act and the status at this stage is termed as “Marked For Exam”.

Exam report issued/accepted
After checking and validation of the trademark, the examiner issues a report as accepted and the status of this stage is known as “Exam report
issued/accepted”. This is a very crucial stage because the examiner gives his
final report on its publication in Trademark Journal.

If your trademark has some problems, the examiner does not accept the
trademark. The examiner gives objection in a very detailed report to the user
informing about each and every objection in the trademark. An on paper reply
is offered to trade mark registry and the status of this stage is known as

Advertised or Accepted and advertised
When a trademark application is presented in the Journal, it is given the status
of “advertised or Accepted and Advertised”. This is a very vital status as the
third party has the right to compete with it within 4 months. The trademark
registration certificate is granted if there is no opposition.

This is a very important stage as if the opposition stage opposes the
trademark, then the status of the application is termed as “Opposed”.

Send back to EDP
If there are any data entry errors in the application, the application have to be
corrected and is send back to EDP for correction. Once all the errors are
corrected, the entire process starts again for getting the trademark done.

Send to PRAS
PRAS stands for “Pre-Registration Amendment Section”. This status is given
when there are any changes in registration that require attention of the
customer. If that is the case, application is passed to the PRAS department.